Risk Management

Risk Management Consultancy

Risk Management Profile

Chris Ekai is a Risk Management expert with over 10 years of experience in the field. He has a Master’s(MSc) degree in Risk Management from University of Portsmouth and is a CPA and Finance professional. He currently works as a Content Manager at Risk Publishing, writing about Enterprise Risk Management, Business Continuity Management and Project Management.

Enterprise Risk management

The scope of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) encompasses a broad range of activities designed to identify, assess, manage, and monitor the various risks that can impact an organization. ERM is a strategic, holistic approach that goes beyond managing individual risks in silos, instead focusing on an integrated risk framework that considers the interconnectivity of risks across the entire organization. Key elements of the ERM scope include:


  • 1. Risk Management Deliverables

  • 2. Project Management Deliverables

  • 3. Business Continuity Management Deliverables.

  • 4. Enterprise Risk Management Deliverables

Business Continuity

Business Continuity (BC) refers to the processes, strategies, and actions that ensure an organization can continue its critical operations during and after a disruptive event.

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